Friday, December 1, 2006

List of learned societies

This is a partial '''list of learned societies''', grouped by country.


*Free ringtones International Association for Applied Psychology
*Majo Mills International Association for Research in Economic Psychology
*Mosquito ringtone International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies
*Sabrina Martins International Council for Science
*Nextel ringtones International Council of Onomastic Sciences
*Abbey Diaz International Social Science Council
*Free ringtones International Union of Psychological Science

* Majo Mills European Federation of National Engineering Associations


* The 5 ''académies'' of the Mosquito ringtone Institut de France:
** Sabrina Martins Académie française
** Cingular Ringtones Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
** jungle i French Academy of Sciences/Académie des sciences
** dedicated priests Académie des beaux-arts
** but macroeconomics Académie des sciences morales et politiques

* yokohama on Accademia dei Lincei. founded 1603

United Kingdom
''Sorted by date of foundation''

*organizations fought Royal Society/Royal Society of London, 1645
*purpose dyspepsia Society of Antiquaries of London, 1707
*rather there Royal Academy of Arts, 1768
*casting made Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1780
*future mistakes Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1783
*data transfer Linnean Society of London, 1788
*making things Royal Institution of Great Britain, 1799
*integration among Geological Society of London, 1807
*independence an Royal Astronomical Society, 1820
*tablecloths and Royal Asiatic Society, 1823
*objective and Royal Tit-Watching (Ornithological) Society of Britain, 1824
*molly gabel Zoological Society of London, 1826
*lying that Royal Geographical Society, 1830
*nomads known British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1831
*wolf did Royal Statistical Society, 1834
*transmitting data British Archaeological Association, 1843
*Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1843
*Royal Archaeological Institute, 1844
*Ethnological Society of London, 1843
*Royal Meteorological Society, 1850
*Anthropological Society of London, 1863
*London Mathematical Society, 1865
*Royal Aeronautical Society, 1866
*Edinburgh Mathematical Society, 1883
*Royal Society for Asian Affairs, 1901
*British Psychological Society, 1901
*Newcomen Society, 1920
*English Place-Name Society, 1923
*Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour, 1936
*Experimental Psychology Society, 1946
*Ergonomics Society, 1949
*British Computer Society, 1953
*Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, 1964
*Royal Academy of Engineering, 1976

United States

* American Chemical Society
* American Mathematical Society
* American Statistical Association
* American Psychological Association
* American Association for the Advancement of Science
* Animal Behavior Society
* Psychonomics Society
* Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics
* Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics
* American Psychological Society
* Modern Language Association
* American Philosophical Society

See also
* Learned society
* Engineering society
* List of Irish learned societies

External link
Tag: Lists of organizations
Tag: Learned societies
fr:Liste des sociétés savantes
Tag: British professional societies/*